A thought about the in Memoriam links - Your thoughts?
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On the main page of this site there exists a link box called "In Memoriam" If I understand this correctly the names listed there are departed friends who used to write for this site. Clicking on those links takes you to the authors page. I think it would be a fitting tribute to our departed friends if those links would go to a page describing the person's life, thier accomplishments, maybe saying something about thier hopes and dreams. The tribute page could then link to thier story page.
Some where on this site I read a heart wrenching post regarding the passing of Darla Raspberry that should be posted where we all can see and remember this wonderful author. I may be wrong, but I am guessing there may well be someone who Knew each of these individuals, who could write something in honor or in memory of them. I messaged Erin who said she would be happy to make the links work if someone would do the individual pages. I don't know any of these people, but I have read thier work, and find my self saddened that they are no longer with us. Maybe there are many folks like me who never knew any of these folks, so there will be no-one to tell thier story. But I do feel that the only way we will know is to ask.
Is this a good idea?
If it is, can we as a community pool the people and skills together to honor our departed friends, similiar to the transgender day of remembrance website, but at the same time share and remember the positive things about them, so that all those who are here now and those that have yet to come, will be able to share and remember them?
To do this we would need at least one person capable of making the web-page template, and at least one person for every name in the box to write something about them.
Is there someone listed in the memoriam box, whom you feel you could honor, by sharing a little about them?
What do you think?