Recent Thoughts
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I have recently been thinking deeply about the way our society is towards our children regarding the LGBT community. atleast with my family and the neighbors around me. More often then not, I've gotten into a fight with someone, about letting someone be them selves, be they gay, transexual, bi, or straight. And more often than not, I get the urge to deck them when they get the smug look on their face when they think they've provided proof that I'm wrong.
Don't get me wrong now, I'm not a violent person, naturally, I'm very passive and strongly believe a person has a right to live as they feel they are. The fact I don't believe in a god, doesn't help my position much either, then the arguement turns in a way that I really hate going down. But The question I have is, why are people so deeply rooted to believe that they have to force their child to be "normal" When there is no sense of normalcy anymore.
I recently had the same argument with my old man (Whom I refuse to call my dad anymore) And he compaired people to animals, saying same sex animals don't have sex. While I proved him wrong, he simply dismissed the proof saying it was edited to look like that, or it's not real, or some other thing to say I'm wrong.
While Society is turning to accept us more and more, there are still those certain people that can hurt us deeply. Which really makes us feel alone. And it makes us choose, whose happiness do we save? Our own? or the people around us, who's known us for so long? It's times like that, that make me feel alone, even when theres thousands of people around me, It's like they aren't even there.