My almost 15yo son found my breast forms.... or did he?
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Last Wednesday was my 45th birthday.
At 12:30 in the morning, after saying goodbye in the chat room, I went into my closet to get my breast forms, and I grabbed a form that was wrapped in plastic wrap. I looked at it and said, "what?" and the light bulb caption above my head turned on as I realized these were my old forms, they had developed a leak and I had wrapped them in plastic whilst waiting for the replacements, and had not thrown them out.
So, why were the boxes for my old forms in the spot where the new ones belonged... Again, lightbulb in the bubble goes even brighter as I think to myself, "Oh, s****. Max has been in my closet."
Happy Birthday Kristine.
I had a restless sleep after that. For those of you that have read some of my blogs in the past, Max has enough of his own problems that my TG issues are not something that we have chosen to burden him with. Now, some of you might say, you didn't do much to hide it, if your forms were that accessable in your closet. And you would be right, but they were on a shelf and not obvious.
Some others might say, "what was he doing in your closet, he should know better." And you would be right, but unfortunately impulse control is not his strong suit. It is one of those issues that we are working on, wrapped up in ADHD and Aspbergers Syndrome.
So the morning came, I had to get him up to go to school, which was certainly not the time to discuss it with him, so we let it go. My wife and I had time to discuss a plan of attack on it after that. That evening, before we went out for my birthday dinner, we sat him down for a chat.
We began by telling him that we knew that he had been in our closet and that he knows better then to be going through our things. After establishing that and of course repimanding him for that, we then said, "Would you like to tell us what you found in the closet?"
He did not wish to, but we tried to insist. He said he was not comfortable discussing it with my wife. Ok, so he and I went into the study. He still would not really discuss it, claims he didn't find anything, acknowledged moving the four white boxes, looking for his Mauraders Map (a replica from Harry Potter) which he believed we had confiscated from him. (We have not.) He said they were too small to hold the map, so he did not look inside them.
I don't believe him, but without forcing the issue, which I don't want to do if he really is not ready to discuss it, I am at a loss. On the one hand that is sort of a relief, on the other I was disappointed, because believing it was finally out in the open was also a relief.
It is now a week later, he has not treated either me or my wife any differently. (It occurred to me that he could have also assumed they were her's and that she might have had breast cancer. He has had health classes. I would not want him to think that and worry about my wife, so if there were any indication of that we would definitely have cleared that up immediately.)
Tonight we met with his therapist. We asked to meet with her privately first. This is not that unusual. A week of soul searching, and discussion, and we had decided that either way it was time for her to know about me. We weren't sure how that was going to go, though we suspected she would be okay.
So we go up, and all sit down, and she asks, "What's up?"
I say, "We had an incident last week, and that has shown us that it is time that we talk to you about something."
"It's about me."
"I'm transgendered."
"Okay... Let me close the windows..." She got up and closed the windows in the office. From there, the conversation went fairly well. She was certainly accepting, and at no point did she make either of us feel that there was any thing wrong with me or us. She asked alot of questions, and we answered. She confirmed that my wife was comfortable with the situation. She acknowledged enough to let Kristy be content.
I had printed out Two Roads, and I gave her a copy. I told her while I am not Kevin, there is a lot of Kristy in Kevin. She said she will read it, both for her own knowledge but also because when we finally do discuss this with Max, that story is one that he should read. It should reaffirm my love for my family, that I made my choices willingly and gladly and that he and my wife are more important to me than anything else.
I don't know yet, what we are going to do about confronting this issue. We still believe that Max has enough to deal with, but we know that sooner or later the questions will come, and the only question is do we wait for him to decide he is ready to ask, or do we force the issue. Right now we are waiting to see. If we see signs that he is troubled, or confused by things, that may change.
"What a week I'm having."