Amused Heather is Amused
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So, the story I was worried about posting has become my highest rated story along with the most comments with one post at 30 and another at 32. This is the most I have gotten for anything. Kind of crazy.
Also, as an FYI, there is one more dark chapter than the last two chapters end it. I have finished editing them but there might be some posting issues as I am going on an Epic Quest of Epicness with Edeyn this weekend. So... I may have to prep everything to make the uploading easier if I have someone else do it.
I also had a mammogram today, so that adds to my amusement and there is nothing like watching your breast get squished. I was asked about a bruise on one breast and had the joy of informing the tech that it was a hickey my wife left me. Fun stuff.
So, yeah... I am just generally amused.