convert BCTS stories in ePub format
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
A while ago, I created a tool that will convert the pages here in BCTS in ePub format. Just give the URL, and it gives you an epub version of the story.
I created it because I have an OLPC XO-1, and I wanted to read BCTS stories here without too much discomfort. To read the epub e-books, I use FBReader.
Now, I'm sorry but to make it work, you'll need some hacky tools. You'll need python, and beatifulsoup. It works using the command line but there is now a graphical interface.
I just wanted to tell you since for some of you it might be useful. If you can't make it work, I'll be glad to help you.
Now, you can get it here:
Here are some example of use (command line):
python -m creator="Maggie Finson" -m title="Peace Bringer" -r -a "pbringer.*\.html" -s --replace '<p><dd>' '</p><p>' --replace '^<title>' '<html><head><title>'
(As you can see, it might work with some other website as well)