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I'm not sure, but I'm thinking of writing a dark story. I don't mean a story where 'evil reins supreme'. That's just the opposite side of the mirror as I see it, and not satisfactory to me. Its all to easy to ignore your characters dignity and abuse them, they can't protest can they?
Whilst if those stories were tried on me there would be a sniper waiting, ah, metaphorically speaking naturally. Did you know that some of the most famous snipers in WW2 was Russian women btw? Women are very good on waiting and their body fat insulates them better than men too. All good qualities with a sniper, that and a steady temperament of course, so? No redheads then?
And that's the main reason why I stopped writing 'black ice', no, not redheads. I found it all to easy to introduce new cruel 'twists' and the same went for 'Amanda'. I had to rein myself in at all times. It's funny though that those stories seems to become the most read? I guess we all are becoming anesthetized by the media, needing more and more 'bucks for the money' to satisfy our need for further 'sensations'.
In fact you can read about all types of abuse every day in the papers, not to mention the Internet. I tried one of the papers at home, the one that generally seems to be seen as to have the best journalists, but it have so far (half a year) disappointed me. I'll take a book any day before that. Or this site, or any good site that tries to have some quality to their works. Although i still read it, I can't remember anything that really made me feel interested. Except a excerpt from a book by one of the Nobel price winners that I found very good, she wrote about her life, in Romania if I remember right?
It was about how their police abused and persecuted her and her mother. That was by the way almost a 'dark story', except for the thoughtfulness and clarity that she brought to it, and the hidden humor you could feel lurking in her explanation of the superior use of handkerchief as the weapon of choice for both her and her mother, fighting the police-abuse and terror, on all levels, from their workplaces to their homes. And you know what, it worked and made sense, reading her.
I wonder if anyone here might have done a 'dark story' already? You're welcome to 'point me' in that direction if so, there are a lot of good writers here, from both sides of the fence, 'black' as 'white' so to speak. I'm not even sure what I mean by a dark story. It's just a feeling I have, so far.
When you write a story you are supposed to put in 'obstacles' that your hero can overcome, but what abut corruption, of your mind and soul? Are there any such stories here? About the grey men, those empty ones with paragraphs filling the place where they once had their soul? Those that throw out people to torture,knowingly, hiding behind some laws new 'interpretation'. A bureaucracy is only as good as the men and women working there.
If I succeed in doing it I think I will try to keep it to one or at most ? page(s:), as I otherwise will get stuck with yet another 'project'.
Awh sh*, I can already see it start to grow at the horizon.