Done and done - finally
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
We are finally in our new home.
The move started at about 12:30 pm Wednesday and finished about 3:30 pm Saturday.
We moved ourselves as I said we'd do and I don't mean to sound as if I knew best because I didn't. Every time we filled the van, more stuff started to appear and at one stage, I was positive that the chattels fairy was following us around, bringing stuff back from the new house and depositing it in the old one for us to move again and again and again.
Had Pen not finished work early on Weds, I think it would have taken us longer and by 8:30 pm Friday night, neither of us had the energy to do anything and only just made it in front of the telly for Medium with a slightly burnt pizza and a glass of coke. Sitting down was fine, but getting up to go to bed was painful. Still, that's it for at least the next six months - hopefully the next year and then only if this move has stopped hurting by then.
I have just got broadband up and running (ADSL I think you Yanks call it) - hence this missive, so thanks to all those who wished us well for the move - it must have worked, because here we are :)
Now I'm back on-line with a faster connection, but it means nothing. I'm still just as slow at typing, just as annoyingly slow at cobbling together my stories and just as useless at finishing my saga, otherwise known as Second Sight. So for what it's worth, I shall be trying my best to bring Cliffside to your screens as soon as I can, but I can't promise it will be quick.
That's it from me, I need a shower and then I have cooking to deal with.
Thanks again for the support.