Home makeovers and such!
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Okay, I have some interesting info to share today. It turns out you can get a beauty consultant to come to your home and do a full makeover on you in private and then sell you the products!
I had no idea this was an option except on the very high end, but I was talking with my sister a while ago and she sells Mary Kay cosmetics part time. I wound up asking her if she had a problem doing the home makeovers for TG people and she replied "Of course not!".
She specifically won't go more than an hour's travel away from where she lives in central Florida(very busy family life), but said she would be willing to find and develop a network of others in other areas who would also deal with TG people in a supportive way.
The upshot of all this is that I asked Erin if I could post this here and she didn't have a problem with it, so here's the info.
[email protected]
On a personal note, I'm finally working again! This might be something for those of us who have trouble finding employment. I'm working for kgb(no, not the Russians). It's a texting service, text a question, get an answer for 99 cents. It doesn't pay terribly well(10 cents per answer), but it is something I can do from home and every little bit helps.
I gotta tell you, I get some really odd questions and more than a few that just make me laugh out loud! The only ones that tick me off are when I know I'm doing some kids homework for em. If anybody is interested in doing this, just go to the website(http://542542.com/agent)and jump through the hoops. Tell em you're willing to work 8pm to 8am(you can actually work whenever you feel like it), take the test and give it a whirl!