973824.66667 Words in EAFOAB
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
I apologise for my earlier blunder.
You can see the whole story in my response to Angharad's Blog post.
Tossing the outlier seen below, the mean word count for Easy as Falling Off a Bike is: 973825 words, rounded to the nearest integer.
According to Word Count, Episode 704 added approximately 1033 words to the above estimate, and it's obviously only an estimate.
Here are the results for four different tools, up to and including part 703:
Open Office Counts:
993,426 Words An obvious outlier
Microsoft Word counts:
974,992 Words
BBEdit (a text-based editor for programmers) counts:
973,743 Words
Word Count* counts:
972,739 Words
One instantly notes that no two of these agree with each other. Go figure.
Iechyd da,
This has certainly been a lesson for me.
Never trust anything.
* A dedicated utility for the Mac that does nothing but count words.