question about editors
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It has been brought to my attention that my grammar and word usage needs to be improved among other things. Im really glad people are here to tell me these things. Like I know full well I am a very inexperienced writer. These storys you see here from me are the first I ever really had the guts to write out and post. You should see the utter crap I wrote before, It would probably be utterly incomprehensible. They were stories with huge long paragraphs, like one, they were full of run on sentences. But well thats how we learn to write, by sucking the first few times lol.
But I really do want to improve but I find myself in need of an editor, Someone to go into my storys sentence per sentence and looking at them carefully with a fine tooth comb.
I cant afford to pay anyone because, well this is a hobby. I looked at at some adds from editors and firms but their expensive. Most charge 50 dollars per page and up to several hundred per page and thats alot for just a hobby. Perhaps if I ever write something that I think my be of interest to send to an agent, I could consider that but I doubt I wil ever be THAT good.
I have a good friend that is doing general proof reading for me but I find myself in need of someone to help me reword entire sentences or paragrahs