Janegirl Scout Cookies
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Yesterday, when I'd gone grocery shopping, I passed a few Girl Scouts selling cookies. That started a kernel of an idea rolling around my head. I woke up early this morning with a first scene in my head, which is inserted below.
The red-faced grown-up who'd been yelling at me and my aunt eventually stopped to take a breath. The only sound that came next was the box of Janegirl Scout cookies slipping from my numb fingers, and bouncing on the sidewalk in front of the supermarket.
"How dare you," Aunt Marnie said in a fierce whisper. Her arm was warm and gentle when she wrapped it around my shoulders, but her voice was cold and hard when she said in a louder voice, "How dare you say something so vile to my nephew."
Just as the woman standing in front of us opened her mouth, one of the doors to the supermarket whooshed open, and a man who sorta looked like a cop marched up to us. "I was told there was a disturbance out here,"
The woman turned on him while pointing at me and saying, "This little f--"
The man help up a hand and said, "One moment." He pulled a large phone from his shirt pocket while saying, "Before you continue, I'm required to inform you this conversation is being recorded."
And then I stopped, because I really had no idea what store security can actually do. Is there anyone out there who has experience with being a store security guard, or have any advice on what is usually allowed or not allowed?