A “Touch Starved” person in Germany
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Today one of the “Random Solo” recommendations was Touch Starved by Bailey Summers (her main story content page is here). We would all do well read this powerful, raw and painful story. Despite the “Adult Oriented” rating this story is absolutely NOT erotica, graphic sex or porn, but just pure emotional pain and desperation, that fortunately ends in a glimmer of hope.
To a huge extent the story describes my personal situation, feelings and circumstance to a T! The comments are also a fairly accurate description of my own experience and journey. About 10 days ago I posted the blog I need to be alone, but get sick from being lonely in the hope of finding a kindred soul in the north-west of Germany.
Allow me to be very explicit, without being explicit! (pun intended) I am looking for a possible regular in person physical meeting that can be reached as a day-trip with regional and local public transit (ÖPNV) from Wuppertal in NRW Germany. At the moment I can not afford to pay for overnight lodging, so day-trip out and back is my current ability.
Having one or two monthly meeting trips to look forward to is currently one of my biggest wishes. I feel that that would help to make my life again be worth living. As well as again start the fight for survival. Though the sanctity of life is so deeply ingrained in me that self-harm is anathema to me.
Are there any ladies here that live in NRW that would be open for a meeting in a public setting?
Based on the current regional train schedules from Wuppertal, I could travel as far north as Münster or Osnabrück, as far east as Bielefeld and Kassel is realistic while Hanover is likely to be borderline, to the south Frankfurt am Main doable, and to the west the Dutch border. Supposedly I can also travel to the main train stations in Arnhem and Venlo with my “Deutschland-Ticket”, but I have no firm confirmation of that fact.
Hoping for some physical hugs,
Jessica Nicole