If You Drive
The world has changed from hardly ever meeting anyone on the highways to a constant stream both ways. X amount of years back I never gave it a second thought about things going belly up. Different times I asked strangers who stopped to call Daddy and tell him where I was and what went wrong. Broken axle, lost duals on a Bobtail, tractor lost it's axle and rear tire, front axle fell out, rear tire on PU threw all it's rubber off, and so many others lost in time and memories.
Too many trips to OKC medical the past few years. Last year felt the rear tire go flat. I was in the passing lane. I swear no one was willing to give to let me get off the interstate. I hogged over knowing the drivers were cussing me. I joined them when I raised the trunk and looked at the jack the car companies think is sufficient. Emergency brake will lock the rear wheels but I'm jacking up a rear wheel. I love danger! God probably wanted to wash my mouth out with soap after I got the tire changed. I was wearing a tight skirt and satin blouse but had enough sense to pack coveralls and gloves in the trunk several years earlier.Chivalry is dead, no one stopped to offer help. Purchased a small, light, hydraulic floor jack when I got home. Added a decent lug wrench. Hope I never need it.
Less than fifty thousand miles on this vehicle and it has started to road walk. Don't turn loose of the steering wheel or it will be in the grader ditch. Shop replaced all the linkage, couldn't believe how wore out it was. As the weeks progressed there was no way I was taking this vehicle on a road trip as it was acting up again. Took it back to the mech and told them to check for an out of round tire. Two new tires and I finally have a vehicle I'm not afraid to drive. Tires are no longer made with steel wire in them. Polly is the cord that holds them in shape. Only in this tire it didn't hold. Time and miles I would have had another flat or possibly worse.
I know there are those on this channel who drive long distances and the big rigs. They feel whether something is or isn't right as soon as the vehicle is started or when it is moving be it eighteen wheels or four rolling. This is for those who are Sunday drivers, the vehicle is basic transportation. Be prepared and pay attention to what your vehicle is telling you. The traffic around you is your biggest concern as there are those who I refuse to call drivers are behind a wheel anyway. Your other concern is getting family, friends, yourself safely to the destination and back home again. Pay attention to that little voice telling you when everything is okay and especially when it isn't. Could save your life and others.
Hugs People stay safe, stay alert, it's not only you on that highway now.