A few thoughts………
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In response to a few postings from various authors and other visitors to this site of late, but mostly in response to a string begun by Gwen Brown.
First, let me state that I have read some of her works, and although they are not always what I am looking for in a story that is true of any author. Every author who writes more than one story will, as a matter of normality, produce works which may or may not appeal to every writer. This is true of every author I have ever read, whether on this site or elsewhere. Hell, even my favorite authors have produced work which to put it bluntly I would call shit. And yet they have also produced work which has not only enlightened me, but has eased the load I carry even if only for a short time. This is the nature of all art, whether written or otherwise.
Gwen, you have written multiple stories which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I apologize if I have not been as diligent in reading or commenting on your work as of late, but that is no reflection on you or your writing. It is rather a reflection on me and how I have been keeping myself busy of late. I have been somewhat remiss in time spent on this site for several reasons, not the least of which is that I have not been traveling for the past several months. Normally my job has me away from home on average four nights each week, and reading is one of the things I do to pass the time while sitting in a hotel room, this site being instrumental in not only keeping me sane - but in keeping me out of trouble when away from home.
I have limited my travel since September as I have been debating whether to retire permanently, or change employers. Due to the actions of certain unnamed people, I cannot continue where I have been employed for the past five plus years. The company has decided to save money by defrauding the US government (they are lying about the purchased value of goods they are importing from China with the help of the vendor who produces them - paying one amount, yet reporting a lower amount on the customs declaration), which is not only illegal, but it is also unethical. I cannot and will not be a part of this - not only does this go against my personal honor, but I am not going to jail for anyone. Since I am the one who has to put their name on the customs documents, I refused to be a part of the scheme.
As my spouse retired officially on 12/31/23, she has been after me to simply retire. I had planned to work a few more years, but I will only do so for a company which gives me more home time. I am tired of being away from my family 80% of the time. There are a few companies I am talking to, but I am seriously considering just hanging it up. Financially it is not an issue; I don’t need to work - it is more that I enjoy the challenge and interaction of working with people.
Either way, that is a conversation for another day, and it’s only importance here is how it has impacted my habits re this site.
I have also been buried in reading a series of books which I had set aside for a future day - a day which I determined was now. Not to mention being involved much more heavily in things around the house and with my family. I have had an opportunity to get back into cooking, which I greatly enjoy, and try out a pile of recipes which I have been sitting on for years. I have gotten back into cycling, and just purchased a new bike for my wife so that we can start riding together as the weather improves. And I have had the opportunity to re-engage with my sons and their wives/girlfriends.
So, in short, I am sorry for being lax on interacting with you Gwen. I will endeavor to do better going forward.
You will of course need to decide what is right for you at this time, but please make no decisions in haste or out of anger. Give those of us here, and yourself, the opportunity to reconnect and reconcile.
As for me, the effort will definitely be worth it.
As to the other comments made in part to Gwen’s posting, I do agree with Angharad - this site has changed. Whether due to age, or Covid, or real life issues, or whatever, we have lost many authors from the site. Some still post occasionally, but they seem to have stopped writing. Many of those who I once interacted with here, and who I still think of as friends, are simply gone without a trace or a goodbye. And yes, many of those who are new do not seem to have the same interest in socializing or becoming involved. Mores the pity and I for one feel the loss.
The loss of very good friends - people who were instrumental in helping me through some very rough times. People who without blowing things out of proportion, saved my life. People who I relied on for advice or a kind word when I needed it most. People who wanted nothing from me beyond my friendship.
The world is a lesser place for their passing, and I feel diminished.
Please do not join that group.